Media query plugin

This plugin is aimed to tag the viewport changes on your website.

Initialization and usage

Media query plugin needs to be declared to be taken into account by autoData.

  plugins: {
    mediaQueryTracker: {
      // your configuration here

Default configuration

  mediaQueryDefinitions: false,
  mediaQueryChangeTemplate: this.changeTemplate,
  mediaQueryChangeTimeout: 1000

mediaQueryDefinitions (mandatory)

Set of media-queries that should be spied by the browser in order to tag it when a change occurs.

The configuration must match the following example :

  mediaQueryDefinitions: [
      name: 'Breakpoint',
      dimensionIndex: 1,
      items: [
        {name: 'sm', media: 'all'},
        {name: 'md', media: '(min-width: 30em)'},
        {name: 'lg', media: '(min-width: 48em)'}

In this case, a tag with the name of "Breakpoint" will be dispatched whenever one of the given mediaQueries in items is active.

mediaQueryChangeTemplate (optional)

Let you define the template for value of the changes, by default it is as follow :

oldValue + ' => ' + newValue

mediaQueryChangeTimeout (optional)

NOTE This value is in milliseconds

The tag will be debounced to this value in order to prevent performance issues when resizing window manually.

It is recommended to set a value around 1 second.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""