
autoData can be debugged easily to check data parsing to data sending.

This can be done by setting the following property in the initial configuration :

    debug: 'debug', // 'warn' by default
    // ... rest of the configuration

After that, every debug, info, warning or error will be visible in the browser's console. This value is set to "warn" by default.

Here are the different levels of log that you can configure :

Value Description
debug all logs from debug to errors
info won't log debug and log from info to errors
warn won't log debug, info and log from warn to errors
error only errors
none disable all logs

Debug context

Actually, not minified version of autoData allow developer to see final tag before sending it to TMS on browser console.

In this context, nothing is sent to TMS.

Know my configuration

Initial configuration object Version of autoData

results matching ""

    No results matching ""