Data layer page

autoData has been designed to work with a data layer if needed, which can enhance each tag with shared values, provided in the web page.


If some tags on the page needs to be populated with shared datas (like a product id), data layer usage prevents writing these datas in many places.

Basically, data layer is a JSON object. autoData merge the parsed tag with data layer datas or part of it, based on configuration.

Initialization and usage

  my_data_layer = {
    key1: "value1",
    key2: "value2"
    tms: {
      //data layer configuration
      enhancer: (tag) => ({
        // Add all key/value pairs from data layer

Result for an basic event

    "event":   "click",
    "obj":     "My interacted object",
    "key1":    "value1",
    "key2":    "value2"

Note : data layer needs to be instanced and populated before autoData initialization or API usage. Updated values in the data layer are taken into account at each send.

Custom selection

By default, all elements from data layer object are merged to sent tag.

If needed, it is possible to declare a list of elements to extract from data layer before merging it with tag.

Here is an example of key selection on datalayer.

  my_data_layer = {
    key1: "value1",
    key2: "value2",
    key3: "value3"
    tms: {
      //data layer configuration
      enhancer: (tag) => {
        switch (tag.event) {
          case 'click':
          case 'pageview':
            return {
              // Add key1 and key3 from data layer for 'click' or 'pageview' events
              key1: my_data_layer.key1,
              key3: my_data_layer.key3
            return tag;

Switch usage is just for example, it shows a way to enhance tag on 'click' or 'pageview' name of event. In other cases, the tag is not enhanced.

    "event":   "click",
    "obj":     "My interacted object",
    "key1":    "value1",
    "key3":    "value3"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""