TMS - Tag management system

This page is aimed to help you understand how to create a new TMS driver inside the project.

autoData has been designed to work with a TMS, but cutom driver override allows sending data to any data collector with the same logic (parsing, enhancing, sending).


A TMS is an export of 4 elements.


export const config = {
  eventTracker: {
    trigger: 'obj',
    attributes: ['act', 'desc', 'val']

This config is plugin-dedicated, it will allow you to set a specific configuration for the plugins. The rest of the configuration is still on charge of the final user (TMS for example).


export const parser = (type, data = {}) => {
  // TMS parsing logic

The parser must return an object representing the final tag that will be sent.


export const enhancer = (tag, type) => {
// TMS enhancing logic
// ...tag, ...window.utag_data

The enhancer must return an object representing the enriched final tag provided by parser. The type is provided for any conditional needs


export const sender = (parsedTag, type) => {
  // TMS sending logic

Sender have the parsed tag and type as arguments and it's in your charge to send it to a TMS or any data collector system.

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