Autodata API


    // settings


    common: {
        attributePrefix: 'data-',
        tms: {
          name: 'gtm',
          parser: function(type, data) {}, // Optional
          enhancer: function(parsedTag) {}, // Optional
          sender: function(enhancedTag) {}, // Optional
        plugins: {



This is the default configuration that will be used, you can specify an optional configuration if needed, please see the Optional config section to know more

The TMS name that you want to use


This parsing function will be called whenever a tag is triggered, this is your opportunity to enhance default TMS logic or provide your own one.

This function allows you to add custom data on the already parsed tag. This could have been done by the parsing function but it is done this way in order to seperate the role of each function.


This function allows you to add custom data on the already parsed tag. This could have been done by the parsing function but it is done this way in order to seperate the role of each function.


This function allows you to change how parsed and enhanced data is sent to TMS or any tag collector system. For example, when using GTM as TMS, it pushes values in Google's dataLayer object.


This method needs to be used in an SPA or in a tunnel, where there is no page reload. In this contexte, the goal is to track each views/steps as pageviews (generally called virtual pageviews).

The output sent to TMS is the same than automatic pageviews.


    page: '', // optional
    title: '', // optional


    "event": "pageview",
    "page": "relative_url",
    "title": "meta_title"

autoData.sendVirtualPageView (deprecated)


    page: '', // optional
    title: '', // optional


    "event": "virtualpageview",
    "page": "relative_url",
    "title": "meta_title"


This method needs to be used for "functionals tags", when data attributes is not enough and/or if the tag is computed dynamically when user interacts with the website. Also, interacted elements handled in Javascript with a preventDefault needs to be tagged with this method.

The output sent to TMS is the same than automatic tags.


    foo: true,
    bar: false,
    baz: true


    "event":  "click",
    "foo":    true,
    "bar":    false,
    "baz":    true

Event name can be overridden if put in the object passed in parameter.

    foo: true,
    bar: false,
    baz: true


    "event":  "custom_event",
    "foo":    true,
    "bar":    false,
    "baz":    true

GTM specific settings

Provide a custom dataLayer

You can specify your own dataLayer name be setting dataLayerName in tms config :

    common: {
        tms: {
          name: 'gtm',
          dataLayerName: "myDataLayer"
        /* ... */

Optional config

If for any reason you need to use a specific configuration for autoData in a certain context, you can with the initialization object.

By default, you will need to provide a common config that will be always used as a default one

  common: {
    tms: {
      name: 'gtm'
    plugins: {
      eventTracker: {
        trigger: 'obj',
        attributes: ['act', 'desc', 'val']

Now, let's say that you need to have a specific configuration on a page that we will name contact You will need to provide this configuration and specify its use with a HTML attribute "data-autodata-config"


  common: {
    tms: {
      name: 'gtm'
    plugins: {
      eventTracker: {
        trigger: 'obj',
        attributes: ['act', 'desc', 'val']
  contact: {
    plugins: {
      eventTracker: {
        attributes: ['contact-act', 'contact-desc', 'contact-val']

HTML attribute

<head data-autodata-config="contact" />

Note: The use of the <head /> tag here is done as an example purpose, you can choose any tag that you want on your page.

The previous example will load the contact configuration and merge it with common when autoData is loaded on a page where data-autodata-config attribute is present and has the value contact

Important note : As autoData cannot be initialized multiple times, this feature won't work on a Single Page Application.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""